Tuesday, December 20, 2016

This Weekend 12/18/16

This weekend my mom came to philly. Unfortunately she came on saturday morning so it took hours for her to get from Manhattan to Philadelphia due to the snow. When we met up she took me to the movies on 69th street. After that I came home and did calisthenics for about an hour and then I watched ANTM. On sunday I stayed home all day and did my math extra credit packet.

Winter Break

My favorite part of winter break is Christmas OF COURSE!!!!! I love spending time with my family the night before and opening our pajama presents the night before. On the night of Christmas Eve we get to open one present, its always a new pair of fuzzy wuzzy pajamas and slippers. Then the next morning we wake up and eat a huge breakfast and go downstairs by our fireplace to open presents. After that we go to our family's houses where I always get more presents.

Monday, November 28, 2016


On "Thanksgiving" I spent the day of and the night before at my grandma 's because I hadn't seen her in a while. The day of I woke up and had a breakfast that my grandma made, it was: eggs, bacon, potatoes, coffee, a coffee muffin and a chocolate croissant. Afterwards I marathoned on Sherlock adn at around 1 my gramdma called me downstairs to say grace with her so we could eat. There was Apple pie, banana muffins, lemon poundcake, poundcake, sweet potatoe pie, french string beans, turkey, mac n cheese, potatoes, and her famouse fruit punch.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Freewrite August 2014

I am wise and old
I wonder what has become of the outside world
I hear babies crying
I see children frolicking in the grass
I am aged and knowing

I pretend I live in the outside world
I feel strong emotions
I touch the softness of rose petals
I worry about generations to come who will not feel true feelings
I cry about the sorrows of the world before communities
I am wise and old

I understand that the present government is oppressive
I say the worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared
I dream that one day we can return to the world before communities
I try to contain the memories of the past
I hope one day we can live as before
I am wise and old

from the giver

by Jaya Touma Shoatz

Monday, October 17, 2016


Image result for five stars no background
The Meal: Collard Greens, Mac n Cheese, Cornbread

       I suppose it would be biased of me to rate this meal out of all the food I ate this weekend but this is my favorite meal and I was really excited that my dad made it for me on Friday. My dad makes his collard greens with sofritos, smoked turkey, and chipotles in adobo sauce. My dad made a huge pot of collard greens that takes up half the fridge before he left for Denver, Colorado for the weekend. He also made baked mac n cheese and cornbread. even though it was reheated it tasted warm and inviting and spicy while them mac and cheese had  more the one cheese and was a nice contrast and cornbread was soft and warm and semi-sweet. I got a whole bowl of collard greens and half a plate of mac n cheese and a cornbread muffin. This meal, to me, is significant because it represents warm Christmas and Thanksgiving nights with my family and the occasional treat when my dad wats to make some soul food for the family. One food related issue that has been very prominent lately is the fact that healthy foods are often too expensive or too far from low-income neighborhoods to have access to.

5 sentences

My blog is an inspiration blog that shows my interests like cartoons, art, music, culture, shows, and language.
  1. Steven Universe is the first CN cartoon to be created by a woman (Rebecca Sugar).
  2. Ice cream was invented in China.
  3. In Mexico we celebrate a holiday called Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos that honors loved ones who have passed in a grand celebration in the beginning of November.
  4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle´s A Study in Scarlet was originally supposed to be named A tangled Skein.
  5.  Hayao Miyazaki does not write scripts or screenplays. Instead, he first creates a lengthy storyboard. He hand paints and lovingly creates the story board first and then assigns a script and plot to it afterwards.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

SVTFOE appreciation post

It's gonna get a little weird,
Gonna get a little wild.

I ain't from round here,
I'm from another dimension.

It's gonna get a little weird,

Gonna have a good time!
I ain't from round here,
I'm from another woo-hoo!


I'm talking rainbows,
I'm talking puppies.

It's gonna get a little weird,
Gonna get a little wild.
I ain't from round here,
I'm from another dimension!