Monday, October 17, 2016


Image result for five stars no background
The Meal: Collard Greens, Mac n Cheese, Cornbread

       I suppose it would be biased of me to rate this meal out of all the food I ate this weekend but this is my favorite meal and I was really excited that my dad made it for me on Friday. My dad makes his collard greens with sofritos, smoked turkey, and chipotles in adobo sauce. My dad made a huge pot of collard greens that takes up half the fridge before he left for Denver, Colorado for the weekend. He also made baked mac n cheese and cornbread. even though it was reheated it tasted warm and inviting and spicy while them mac and cheese had  more the one cheese and was a nice contrast and cornbread was soft and warm and semi-sweet. I got a whole bowl of collard greens and half a plate of mac n cheese and a cornbread muffin. This meal, to me, is significant because it represents warm Christmas and Thanksgiving nights with my family and the occasional treat when my dad wats to make some soul food for the family. One food related issue that has been very prominent lately is the fact that healthy foods are often too expensive or too far from low-income neighborhoods to have access to.

5 sentences

My blog is an inspiration blog that shows my interests like cartoons, art, music, culture, shows, and language.
  1. Steven Universe is the first CN cartoon to be created by a woman (Rebecca Sugar).
  2. Ice cream was invented in China.
  3. In Mexico we celebrate a holiday called Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos that honors loved ones who have passed in a grand celebration in the beginning of November.
  4. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle´s A Study in Scarlet was originally supposed to be named A tangled Skein.
  5.  Hayao Miyazaki does not write scripts or screenplays. Instead, he first creates a lengthy storyboard. He hand paints and lovingly creates the story board first and then assigns a script and plot to it afterwards.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

SVTFOE appreciation post

It's gonna get a little weird,
Gonna get a little wild.

I ain't from round here,
I'm from another dimension.

It's gonna get a little weird,

Gonna have a good time!
I ain't from round here,
I'm from another woo-hoo!


I'm talking rainbows,
I'm talking puppies.

It's gonna get a little weird,
Gonna get a little wild.
I ain't from round here,
I'm from another dimension!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Doctor: The Lonely Assassins, that's what they used to be called. No one quite knows where they came from, but they're as old as the Universe, or very nearly. And they have survived this long because they have the most perfect defense system ever evolved. They are Quantum Locked. They don't exist when they are being observed. The moment they are seen by any other living creature they freeze into rock. No choice, it's a fact of their biology. In the sight of any living thing, they literally turn into stone. And you can't kill a stone. Of course, a stone can't kill you either, but then you turn your head away. Then you blink. Then, oh yes, it can.
The Empty Child: Are you my Mummy?
The Silent: The Silents, Doctor. We are the Silents. And Silence will fall!
Head Librarian’s Message: Run. For god’s sake run. Nowhere is safe. The library has sealed itself. We can’t— Oh, they’re here. Count the shadows. For god’s sake, remember. If you want to live, count the shadows. Message ends.

Vashta Nerada


I want to join swimming, I want to join cosmetology. I want to join swimming because I love water sports and I want to learn to swim even better as well as build my stamina and strength. I want to join cosmetology because I love makeup and beauty and that is the profession my mom took although she went into hair. I'm looking forward to swimming because I love to swim. I'm looking forward to cosmetology to get better at makeup.

Monday, October 10, 2016

10 Things About Me

  1. I'm Black, Mexican, Palestinian, and Peruvian.
  2. I am semi-fluent in Mandarin Chinese, French, Pig Latin, and Spanish.
  3. I'm Agnostic.
  4. When I was 4 I was signed to Wilhelmenia Model and Talent Agency with a lifetime contract.
  5. I love Doctor Who and Sherlock.
  6. I love Mindless Behavior.
  7. I can do a Brittish accent pretty well.
  8. I like math.
  9. I'm good at art.
  10. I love to read!